Fredonia Village Board Rejects Local Law to Raise Number of Dogs and Cats Allowed on a Premise
9/5/2024 7:25:48 AM
By Greg Larson, News Director
Fredonia village trustees have rejected a proposed local law that would have amended the Village Code to allow as many as four dogs and four cats to be kept on any premise, with the exception of kennels. The Village Board voted down the measure by a 4-0 vote during its meeting on Tuesday. Trustee Jon Espersen believes that changing that part of the Village Code will not cause village residents to get more dogs or cats...
Jon Espersen: majority of residents don't know how many they can have
Trustee Ben Brauchler initially moved to table the law, but later agreed to vote on it after Michelle Twichell stated she wanted a vote. Nicole Siracuse was the lone trustee absent from Tuesday's meeting.