Chautauqua County to Launch 'Live CHQ' Marketing Campaign
4/7/2024 12:38:06 PM
By Greg Larson, News Director
The Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth and Chautauqua County IDA are kicking off a new campaign to try and attract people to the county to fill jobs. Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive for Economic Development and CCIDA CEO, says they'll soon be starting their talent attraction and retention campaign. Geise says the campaign, called "Live CHQ," is both a marketing and website initiative that aims to reverse the effects of outmigration seen in recent decades...
Mark Geise: attempt to address outmigration
Geise says they're going to push this in the coming weeks to try and fill the many jobs open at county employers...
Mark Geise: the county has a lot to offer
A major component of Live CHQ is a new website that will help to inform prospective residents about the quality of life aspects that the county has to offer, along with the various employment and business development opportunities found across the region. Geise says the campaign will be unveiled on Tuesday, April 16th at the Robert H. Jackson Center in Jamestown and Thursday, April 18th at the Fredonia Opera House.